IEH Academy

Change Control for Thermal Processing Operations Training

Course details

Self-Paced eLearning


1 Hour

Mark Deniston

Thermal processes are essential for controlling foodborne microbial hazards and thereby ensuring the safety of the public when consuming food products. Therefore it is vital to have complete control and documentation for any change made to a thermal processing operation to prevent food safety problems from occurring.

Benefits and Learning Objectives

In this course, students will learn what constitutes a change, what regulatory agencies require in terms of electronic record-keeping systems, and ways in which change control documentation can be prepared. These learnings will help to ensure that changes are made in a fully documented and efficient manner consistent with regulatory requirements and good manufacturing/engineering practices.

Individuals who complete this course can do the following:

  • Understand why good change control is needed based on examples discussed
  • Understand why change control is a group effort
  • Understand the differences between true change control and Like for Like Replacement

Who Should Take This Course?

The intended audience for this course includes:

  • Process Engineers
  • Plant Engineers
  • Microbiologists
  • Corporate Technical Managers
  • Corporate Engineering Managers
  • Corporate Production Managers

Registration and Payment

To register for this course, please visit our training portal.

Professional headshot of Mark Deniston.

Meet the Instructor

Mark Deniston