IEH Academy

General Thermal Bacteriology Applied to Foods Training

Course details

Self-Paced eLearning


2 Hours

Dr. Gene Bartholomew

Pathogens are responsible for a large number of foodborne illnesses and deaths in the U.S. every year. Many of these infections come from foods that are considered fully cooked. Food producers need to understand how thermal processing removes pathogens from products and what steps are necessary to ensure a successful heat treatment. 

Course Description

This training material describes the types of heating and heat transfer in foods, characteristics of microorganisms that are important to understand for effective elimination by a cook step, how best to monitor the cook process to know and document the amount of heat being delivered to a food, and how to use this heat information to predict the level of pathogen elimination by exposure to heat. We will cover the importance of collecting and documenting this information so it can be used to support product release. We will also discuss how product chilling after cook steps control growth of spores that can survive normal thermal processing procedures, and how microbial toxins can form before the cook step.

General Thermal Bacteriology Applied to Foods
General Thermal Bacteriology Applied to Foods
General Thermal Bacteriology Applied to Foods
General Thermal Bacteriology Applied to Foods

Learning Objectives

  • Define heat transfer
  • Discuss the diversity of microorganisms encountered in foods
  • Apply models and temperature profiles of foods during heating to estimate detrimental effect on microorganisms
  • Discuss the proper placement of probe in food products
  • Discuss how to organize temperature data for decision making and presentation
  • Discuss thermal processing critical limits, monitoring,  and support elements
  • Develop a hazard analysis using product chilling guidelines

Registration and Payment

To register for this course, please visit our training portal.

Meet the Instructor

Dr. Gene Bartholomew