IEH Academy

Thermal Process Deviation Record Keeping Training

Course details

Self-Paced eLearning


1 hour

Mark Deniston

Comprehensive records are necessary if an evaluation is to be done by a Process Authority regarding the potential release of the affected product. In this course, students will learn about the nature of thermal deviations, what information should be included in deviation records and what are best practices for completing deviation record forms.

Benefits and Learning Objectives

Thermal processes are a vital tool for controlling foodborne microbial hazards during the production of food. Such deviations might be found in multiple ways (for example by observation or process record review) and by multiple plant employees (for example the process operator or QA technician). If a deviation occurs it must be thoroughly characterized and documented. At a minimum, such a deviation might prevent food products from being released into commerce. In a worst-case situation, such documentation may help set the boundaries of a recall. Comprehensive records are necessary if an evaluation is to be done by a Process Authority regarding the potential release of the affected product. In this course, students will learn about the nature of thermal deviations, what information should be included in deviation records and what are best practices for completing deviation record forms.

Individuals who complete this course can do the following:

  • Understand what constitutes a process deviation
  • Understand regulatory requirements for process deviations
  • Understand how system operators should handle process deviations
  • Understand how company management should handle process deviations

Who Should Take this Course?

The intended audience for this course includes:

  • Process Engineers
  • Plant Engineers
  • QA Technicians
  • QA Managers
  • System Operators
  • Microbiologists
  • Corporate Technical Managers
  • Corporate Engineering Managers
  • Corporate Production Managers

Registration and Payment

To register for this course, please visit our training portal.

Professional headshot of Mark Deniston.

Meet the Instructor

Mark Deniston