IEH Academy

Food Safety Guidance for Procurement Agents Training

Course details



11am - 12pm PST 2pm - 3pm EST


Dr. Gene Bartholomew

A successful food safety system and culture are, without a doubt, a few of the most important challenges facing all food processors and ancillary businesses. It truly takes a team effort from across many disciplines and responsibilities within a manufacturer, and the procurement or purchasing group is an integral part of this team effort.

Course Description

This course has been organized around concepts that have proven to be effective at controlling food safety within the manufacturing process itself using a disciplined, scientific system to identify and control hazards in a planned way. This disciplined system is demonstrated within the realm of purchasing materials, ingredients, equipment, and services that all impact food safety by carefully looking at hazards that can be managed at the procurement stage. Many examples are provided to illustrate how procurement managers must incorporate food safety into all of the information used to make buying decisions. Each major category of responsibility under procurement, such as ingredients or packaging materials, is examined for typical hazards and how the agent must be aware of these potential risks to their operation. After finishing this course, procurement managers will have the tools necessary to be significant members of the food safety team.

Learning Objectives

  1. Recognize procurement’s vital role in food safety
  2. Identify the three categories of food safety hazards: biological, chemical, and physical
  3. Discuss components of purchasing and potential food safety concerns
  4. Discuss the rule of FDA’s Foreign Supplier Verification Programs (FSVP)

Registration and Payment

To register for this course, please visit our training portal.

Meet the Instructor

Dr. Gene Bartholomew